How do I use it?
To set up your website:
- Sign up for GitLab.
- Download, and install Git (how you do this varies depending on your operating system).
- Configure Git.
git config --global $username
git config --global $email_address(Reminder: Your email address will be public.)
- Create a new repository in your GitLab account by clicking "+", choosing "New Project", navigating to the "Import project" tab, selecting "Repo by URL", and entering the URL of this repository. You'll be prompted to give your repository a name, and description.
- Download your repository.
git clone $repository_url
- Develop your website, and place it in the 'public' folder.
- Update the LICENSE and files to reflect your project. You can also safely delete the 'About.txt' file.
- Navigate your terminal into the repository folder (eg: cd ~/Git/project-name). Save, and sync your changes.
git add .
git commit -m $comment
git push origin master(You'll be prompted for your GitLab login details.)
- Your website will be available at 'https://$$repository_name/' once uploading, and processing has completed.
To update your website:
- Make your changes.
- Navigate your terminal into the repository folder (eg: cd ~/Git/project-name). Save your changes locally.
git add .
git commit -m $comment
- Sync your changes with the GitLab repository.
git push origin master
To delete your website:
- Delete the local repository folder from your computer.
- Login to your Gitlab account, navigate to the repository, click "Settings", choose "General", select "Expand" in the Advanced section, and click "Remove Project".